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NSPCC elearning: online courses

Last updated: 09 Sept 2024

Safeguarding and child protection online training

See our full range of online training courses, expertly designed to support you in learning about all aspects of child protection and safeguarding. 

Child protection for school governors and academy trustees

Understand your safeguarding responsibilities and your role in creating a safer culture for the children and young people in your school. Our 3-hour CPD-certified course covers safeguarding and child protection policies, procedures, principles and practice. Cost: £25

Safeguarding training for schools, academies and colleges

This elearning course will help you develop or refresh your awareness and understanding of child protection in schools, academies and colleges. Cost: £35

Child protection in sport and physical activity training

Understand your role and responsibilities in protecting children and young people from abuse or harm in your sport or physical activity setting with our 3-hour CPD-certified elearning course. Cost: £30

Child protection online training packages for schools

We offer cost-effective online training packages for schools in the UK. Covering topics to help increase your confidence in recognising abuse, online safety, safeguarding children with SEND and responding to sexualised behaviour. Cost: £95

Child protection training for tutors

Understand your role and responsibilities as a tutor in protecting children and young people from abuse or harm with our 3-hour CPD-certified course. Cost: £25

Harmful sexual behaviour in schools

Increase your confidence in recognising and responding to harmful, problematic or inappropriate sexual behaviour displayed by children and young people in your primary or secondary school with our 2-hour CPD-certified course. Cost: £35

Introduction to safeguarding and child protection

Increase your confidence in identifying and responding to possible signs of child abuse and neglect with our 3-hour CPD-certified online course. Cost: £30

Mental health and wellbeing safeguarding in education training

Learn when mental health issues become safeguarding concerns, how to recognise this and support the children and young people you work with. Cost: £30

Online safety

Developed by the NSPCC in association with NCA CEOP Education, the child protection unit of the National Crime Agency, our 4-hour CPD certified interactive course will help you to understand how children use the internet and how to respond to risks they may face online. Cost: £30

Preventing non-accidental head injury training

If you work with babies and their parents and carers, this CPD-certified course will help you to understand what NAHI is, identify risk factors within families, and put support in place to help parents and carers keep their baby safe. Cost: £25

Protecting children in entertainment

Our 1-hour CPD-certified online course for chaperones on how to protect children during rehearsals and productions. Cost: £25

Safeguarding young people and young adults training

Developed by the NSPCC in association with the Ann Craft Trust, our 3-hour online course will help you to better understand your role in safeguarding young people or young adults at risk from abuse, neglect or harm. Cost: £35

Safeguarding awareness training for workers who enter people's homes

A safeguarding awareness course helping workers who enter people’s homes recognise the signs of possible abuse and neglect. Cost: £19

Safeguarding children with SEND

Our CPD-certified 3-hour online course will help you to better identify concerns when safeguarding children who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and additional needs. Cost: £30

Safeguarding in sport training package

Our package of elearning courses covers the key areas of safeguarding and child protection you need to know when running sports and physical activities with children and young people. Cost: £95

Safeguarding training for bus and taxi drivers

A CPD-certified short online training course providing safeguarding guidance for bus and taxi drivers who come into contact with children during their job or managers who employ drivers to transport children and young people. Cost: £9.50

Safeguarding training for charity trustees

Our 3-hour online course will help trustees to carry out their safeguarding duties in protecting beneficiaries, staff, volunteers, visitors and any organisations they may fund. Cost: £25

Safeguarding training package for voluntary groups

An online training package for anyone who works in the charity, voluntary or community sector. Covers topics to help increase your confidence in recognising abuse and neglect, online safety, safer recruitment and safeguarding 16 to 25 year olds. Cost: £95

Safer sports events

Take our online safeguarding and child protection elearning course to help you plan and deliver enjoyable and safe sports events for children and young people. Cost: £25

Safer recruitment

For anyone responsible for selecting and recruiting candidates for posts that come into contact with children in a non-educational setting, our 4-hour CPD certified course will teach you how to safely recruit the right staff and volunteers to work with young people. Cost: £35

Safer recruitment in education

Our 4-hour CPD-certified online course is for anyone responsible for recruiting, shortlisting and vetting the right people to work with children in schools or colleges. Cost: £35

Sharing nudes and semi-nudes training

Our 3-hour CPD certified online course will support you to respond appropriately to incidents of sharing nudes or semi-nudes. Cost: £25

Talk Relationships: delivering sex and relationships education training

Elearning courses to support secondary school teachers and leaders to deliver inclusive sex and relationships education. Cost: Free

Hear more about our safeguarding training



98% of our customers would recommend NSPCC training*.

“Thank you for providing me with such high quality training materials. I really feel I've gained a lot from my course. I would like to receive further training by the NSPCC. I will certainly recommend to others.”

Course participant

“Really informative! Will recommend these courses to my organisation.”

Course participant

* We received 39,176 evaluation forms from people who had taken our elearning and face-to-face/virtual live training courses between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. 38,394 (98%) said they would recommend the course they had taken.