AGENDA: Promoting positive relationships schools communities
Supporting children and young people in making positive relationships matter
AGENDA is a free online resource for educational practitioners who want to support children and young people to explore ideas around equality, inclusivity, children’s rights and social justice. It helps to the causes and consequences of violence against girls and women, homophobia and transphobia.
It offers creative, developmentally-appropriate and rights-based approaches to:
- empower children and young people to explore and express what matters to them
- support children and young people’s right to speak out and engage as active citizens with issues they care about
- safely and creatively challenge gender inequalities and harmful gender norms.
AGENDA engages with a number of issues, including feelings and emotions, friendships and relationships, body image, consent, gender and sexuality equality and equity (for age 7-11) and addressing gender discrimination, consent, LGBTQ+ rights, bullying, street harassment, female genital mutilation (FGM), sexual exploitation and relationship violence (for age 11-18).
AGENDA can be used to support the delivery of relationships and sexuality education and is available in English and Welsh.
Background to AGENDA
In 2015, when the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act was passed, the Welsh Government worked with Welsh Women’s Aid to publish guidance for education practitioners on how to promote gender wellbeing and gender equalities for respectful relationships (Welsh Government, 2015).
A key part of this practitioner guidance encourages young people to actively start up or get involved in local and global campaigns to stop gender-based and sexual violence in their schools and communities.
AGENDA was developed to give young people (aged 11-18) the tools and guidance to explore these ideas, run campaigns and raise awareness.
It was created in consultation with young people by Cardiff University, NSPCC, Welsh Women’s Aid, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and the Welsh Government and published in 2016.
In 2019, we published Primary AGENDA to help practitioners empower younger children (aged 7-11) to make positive relationships matter in their schools and communities.
Since then, AGENDA and Primary AGENDA have grown and been adapted as new case studies and resources have been developed. AGENDA and Primary AGENDA have since been combined onto one more accessible web-friendly platform, which supports children and young people to make positive relationships matter in their schools and communities.