Discover how learning from the work of the Panel, and the reports they publish, can lead to improvements in safeguarding practice. You'll hear two members of the Panel discuss two reports published at the end of 2024: a national review into child sexual abuse within the family environment and their annual report.
News from NSPCC Learning

Why language matters: how using the term ‘disguised compliance’ can be problematic
The phrase ‘disguised compliance’ can be misleading, unhelpful and blaming and can undermine working relationships with caregivers.

Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse
What are the latest government plans for a mandatory duty in England to report known or suspected child sexual abuse?
Podcast: The work of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel
Discover how learning from the work of the Panel, and the reports they publish, can lead to improvements in safeguarding practice. You'll hear two members of the Panel discuss two reports published at the end of 2024: a national review into child sexual abuse within the family environment and their annual report.
Why language matters: how using the term ‘disguised compliance’ can be problematic
The phrase ‘disguised compliance’ can be misleading, unhelpful and blaming and can undermine working relationships with caregivers.
Online safety - a young person’s perspective
Two young people from the NSPCC’s Voice of Online Youth group provide an insight into what life online is like for them, what makes them feel safe online and the online safety topics they’d like to learn more about.
Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse
What are the latest government plans for a mandatory duty in England to report known or suspected child sexual abuse?
Podcast: Mental health first aid kits
Learn how mental health first aid kits can help young people manage their mental health if they're struggling.
Safeguarding young apprentices: your future business stars
Welcoming new, young apprentices to a business requires thinking about their needs as young people and not just work colleagues.
NSPCC Learning review of 2024
A look back at some of the resources, research and training we’ve produced in 2024, to support you in your work with children and young people.
How to plan meaningful participation work with victims and survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA)
Sir Peter Wanless and members of the IICSA Changemakers discuss how to carry out safe and meaningful participation work with adult victim-survivors of child sexual abuse.
Why language matters: putting the child first – why we say children who have disabilities rather than disabled children
Using child-first or child-led language reminds us of the importance of seeing children who have disabilities as children first, instead of focusing on their disabilities.
New sibling sexual abuse service launched
The NSPCC has launched a new pilot service designed to support families who have experienced sibling sexual harm or abuse.