Learn how mental health first aid kits can help young people manage their mental health if they're struggling.
News from NSPCC Learning

Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse – update from the Home Secretary
What are the latest government plans for a mandatory duty in England to report known or suspected child sexual abuse?

NSPCC Learning review of 2024
A look back at some of the resources, research and training we’ve produced in 2024, to support you in your work with children and young people.
Podcast: Supporting new parents through adversity
Listen to a panel of experts from the NSPCC talk about how social workers can build and maintain an evidence base to support their work.
Why language matters: why you should avoid the acronym 'LAC' when talking about children in care
Exploring the implications of using the acronym 'LAC' to refer to looked after children within the care system.
Podcast: Building an evidence base for social work
Listen to a panel of experts from the NSPCC talk about how social workers can build and maintain an evidence base to support their work.
Why language matters: using ‘non-accidental head injury’ and not ‘shaken baby syndrome’
Exploring the history, impact and implications for practice around the term ‘shaken baby syndrome’ and the alternatives professionals can use.
Podcast: What’s next for children’s social care in England? A practical perspective
A practical look at what an improved social care system in England might look like, with a focus on improving family support and early help services.
Podcast: What’s next for children’s social care in England? An interview with Josh MacAlister
Listen to Josh MacAlister, the chair of The independent review of Children's Social Care in England, talking to the NSPCC’s Abigail Gill about the review’s findings.
Why language matters: what is meant by ‘early help’
Explores the use of the terms ‘early help’ and ‘early intervention’ in England and discusses the impact of conflating the two terms on the provision of support.
Podcast: Domestic abuse support in the workplace
Domestic abuse experts from the NSPCC Helpline discuss what workplaces can do to provide support to parents and children experiencing domestic abuse.
Why language matters: talking about ‘equal protection from physical assault’ rather than calling for a ‘smacking ban’
Why talking about ‘equal protection from physical assault’ better reflects the need for a change in the law than calling for a ‘smacking ban’.
Why language matters: how the label ‘older boyfriend’ can mask child sexual exploitation
Discusses the problems with the term ‘older boyfriend’ and prompts professionals to recognise the links to grooming and child sexual exploitation.