Every organisation working or volunteering with babies, children and young people must ensure they have effective safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures.
The Standards and accompanying guidance were designed to help non-statutory organisations in the UK put clear child safeguarding arrangements in place. The latest revised version was published in 2019.
We have now refreshed the Standards and incorporated them into a range of resources, information and support on NSPCC Learning. This is regularly updated to reflect the latest legislation, guidance and best practice.
If you’re taking your first steps with safeguarding and child protection, or you’re reviewing your current arrangements, you may find the guidance below useful.
This short guide will help voluntary and community organisations keep babies, children and young people safe. It outlines the steps you need to take to create effective safeguarding arrangements and provides links to detailed information to support you in creating and updating your processes and procedures.
This free online tool helps you audit your current safeguarding and child protection arrangements, supporting you to make changes and identify areas for improvement. Our tailored version for voluntary and community organisations focuses on examples and issues specific to the sector.
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