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Child protection system in the UK

The UK's four nations – England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – each have their own framework of child protection legislation, guidance and practice to:

  • identify children who are at risk of harm
  • take action to protect those children
  • prevent further abuse occurring.

Although the child protection systems are different in each nation, they are all based on similar principles.

Each UK nation is responsible for its own policies and laws for education, health and social welfare. This covers most aspects of safeguarding and child protection. Laws are passed to prevent behaviour that can harm children or require action to protect children. Guidance sets out what organisations should do to help keep children safe.

Child protection across the UK

Northern Ireland

Related guidance and resources

Children and the law

Outlines key legislation relating to children and young people including children's rights, age of consent, age of criminal responsibility, school leaving age, child employment and GDPR.

Definitions of key terms

This A-Z list explains the key concepts and terms used about child protection in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

History of child protection in the UK

A timeline showing the key changes and developments in child protection legislation in the UK since 1945 to the present day.

Multi-agency working

Best practice for child protection practitioners, adults who work or volunteer with children and strategic leads on multi-agency and disciplinary working.

Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines

Gillick competency and Fraser guidelines are used to help practitioners assess whether a child is mature enough to consent to treatment. Find out more about how they apply.

Case reviews

Find out more about case reviews, find a specific review in the National repository or read our series of thematic briefings highlighting the learning for particular topics.

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