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Speak out Stay safe resources

Thank you for signing up to the Speak out Stay safe programme.

This page provides you with everything you need to run Speak out Stay safe in your school setting.

Your Schools Co-ordinator is here for any questions you may have about the programme - you'll find their details in your welcome email. Or you can email us at

This webpage is only to be shared with others within your school setting.

If you’re on this page and are yet to register for these resources – register now by filling in our form.

Delivering Speak out Stay safe

It's easy to deliver Speak out Stay safe.

First, tell your Schools Co-ordinator when you plan to run the programme and talk to us if you can fundraise at the same time.

Then follow the five simple steps to deliver the Speak out Stay safe programme.

Use our template letter to let parents and carers know you'll be delivering the Speak out Stay safe programme. 

> Letter for parents and carers (DOCX)

These lessons and activities help reinforce key messages and last around one hour. These should be delivered within two weeks of the assembly and can be split into shorter sessions if needed.

> Lesson plan for ages 5-7 (PDF)

> Lesson plan for ages 7-11 (PDF)

Use our colourful display resources to help you create a Speak out Stay safe display which can help to extend and reinforce key programme messages. Please share your anonymised displays with us on our social channels using #speakoutstaysafe, we love to see them.

> Display resources 5-11 (PDF)

Face-to-face workshops for pupils aged 6-7 and 9-11 are available in many areas, though not yet everywhere. You may have already booked these for your school. If not, please contact your local Schools Coordinator for more details and to find out if we are currently able to offer workshops in your area. 

Don't forget to let us know what you think of Speak out Stay safe by completing our survey.

When you've finished the programme, get in touch with your Schools Co-ordinator to get your school certificate.

Thank you for helping keep children safe by delivering our programme at your school. Our support doesn't end there. Your Schools Co-ordinator is here to support you and can help you access more safeguarding resources, training, activities and campaigns. 

Responding to safeguarding concerns

Sometimes you may become aware of safeguarding concerns or children may disclose abuse during the Speak out Stay safe programme. If this occurs, it's important to follow your school safeguarding procedures. 

For support and advice, see our Let children know you're listening resources.

Fundraise for NSPCC

Speak out Stay safe is provided at no cost to schools - which is only made possible by your generous support. Every pound raised helps us continue our vital work. We've got lots of resources help you get started with fundraising.

Get fundraising ideas

Fundraise for NSPCC

Speak out Stay safe is provided at no cost to schools - which is only made possible by your generous support. Every pound raised helps us continue our vital work. We've got lots of resources help you get started with fundraising.

Get fundraising ideas

Delivering Speak out Stay safe

It's easy to deliver Speak out Stay safe.

First, tell your Schools Co-ordinator when you plan to run the programme and talk to us if you can fundraise at the same time. 

Then follow the five simple steps to deliver the Speak out Stay safe programme.

We have created bilingual versions of all of our Speak out Stay safe resources for schools in Wales which you can download below. 

Use our template letter to let parents and carers know you'll be delivering the Speak out Stay safe programme. 

> Letter for parents and carers (DOCX)

These lessons and activities help reinforce key messages and last around one hour. These should be delivered within two weeks of the assembly and can also be split into shorter sessions if needed.

> Lesson plan for ages 5-7 (Welsh PDF)

> Lesson plan for ages 5-7 (English PDF)

> Lesson plan for ages 7-11 (Welsh PDF)

> Lesson plan for ages 7-11 (English PDF)

Use our colourful display resources to help you create a Speak out Stay safe display which can help to extend and re-enforce key programme messages. Please share your anonymised displays with us on our social channels using #speakoutstaysafe, we love to see them.

> Display resources 5-11 (Welsh PDF)

> Display resources 5-11 (English PDF)

Face-to-face workshops for pupils aged 6-7 and 9-11 are available in many areas, though not yet everywhere. You may have already booked these for your school. If not, please contact your local Schools Co-ordinator for more details and to find out if we are currently able to offer workshops in your area. 

Don't forget to let us know what you think of Speak out Stay safe by completing our survey.

When you've finished the programme, get in touch with your Schools Co-ordinator to get your school certificate.

Thank you for helping keep children safe by delivering our programme at your school. Our support doesn't end there. Your Schools Co-ordinator is here to support you and can help you access more safeguarding resources, training, activities and campaigns.

Responding to safeguarding concerns

Sometimes you may become aware of safeguarding concerns or children may disclose abuse during the Speak out Stay safe programme. If this occurs, it's important to follow your school safeguarding procedures. 

For support and advice, see our Let children know you're listening resources.

Fundraise for NSPCC

Speak out Stay safe is provided at no cost to schools - which is only made possible by your generous support. Every pound raised helps us continue our vital work. We've got lots of resources help you get started with fundraising.

Get fundraising ideas

Fundraise for NSPCC

Speak out Stay safe is provided at no cost to schools - which is only made possible by your generous support. Every pound raised helps us continue our vital work. We've got lots of resources help you get started with fundraising.

Get fundraising ideas

For children with additional and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND/ASN/ALN)

We've developed Speak out Stay safe for children aged 9-11 (and older pupils at teachers' discretion) with special educational needs and disabilities and additional needs. This programme supports teachers in teaching children about what abuse is and safe adults they can turn to for help. This is available in English and in Welsh.

Fundraise for NSPCC

Speak out Stay safe is provided at no cost to schools - which is only made possible by your generous support. Every pound raised helps us continue our vital work. We've got lots of resources help you get started with fundraising.

Get fundraising ideas

Fundraise for NSPCC

Speak out Stay safe is provided at no cost to schools - which is only made possible by your generous support. Every pound raised helps us continue our vital work. We've got lots of resources help you get started with fundraising.

Get fundraising ideas

Let us know what you think

Teacher and pupil feedback is important to us. Please complete our short surveys and tell us what you think about the Speak out Stay safe programme.

All feedback we receive will help us to improve the Speak out Stay safe programme. The survey takes around 12 minutes to complete.

Children’s voices are important, and we’d love to hear from your pupils about what they've learned. The survey is for pupils aged 7-11, it is anonymous and confidential and doesn't ask for children's names. 

There are 12 multiple choice questions. The survey takes around 5 minutes and could form part of a computing lesson. Please complete within two weeks of delivering Speak out Stay safe.

The letter for parents and carers that you send before delivering Speak out Stay safe explains about the programme and the survey and seeks consent for their child to complete the survey.

We encourage teachers to tell pupils that it is their choice if they want to take part in the survey or not and respect their decision. You could ask children to put their hand up if they don’t want to do the survey.

The data you provide will be processed in accordance with the NSPCC's privacy policy.

Teacher survey

Your school's name, your job role and your name (if given) may be used to ask for clarification on any comments made, if you give us consent for this.

We may use quotes in our external communications or internal evaluation reports programme, these will be anonymised unless you choose to provide your name at the start of the survey.

We will remove all personal data attached to the survey after two years.

The safety of children is paramount. If there are any safeguarding concerns raised through your response to the survey, we will contact you and your school.

Pupil survey

The pupil survey is anonymous and confidential and doesn't ask for children’s names. We only ask for the name of the school and the year group.

All data gathered is anonymised. The data will be used to evaluate perceptions of the service within your individual school and across schools in your region and by type of school. However, we will not identify you or your school in any of our evaluation reports.

If you would like to make a complaint about these surveys, email or phone us on 020 7825 2505.

Resources for schools

We have a range of safeguarding and child protection resources and training to help you keep your pupils safe.

See resources and training

Resources for schools

We have a range of safeguarding and child protection resources and training to help you keep your pupils safe.

See resources and training