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NSPCC live virtual training courses

Teacher taking virtual training on a laptop in the classroom

Virtual training delivered live

Learn from our expert trainers wherever you are. Take part in exercises, meet and learn from other participants and receive real-time feedback and support.

View our range of virtual child protection and safeguarding courses and learn from the comfort of your own home or office.

Child protection supervision skills

Gain the supervisory skills you need for a safeguarding and child protection-based role. Available as a virtual course or as in-person training. Cost: £1125-£1225

Child protection supervision skills refresher

Thinking about updating your safeguarding and child protection supervision skills? Take our two-day live virtual refresher course where you'll have the opportunity to review and develop your skills. Cost: £450-490

Designated child protection lead in Scotland training

Two-day training course to help designated child protection leads in Scotland learn more about their role and how to receive and respond to child protection concerns. Cost: £310

Designated safeguarding lead for schools and colleges training

Two-day training courses for designated safeguarding leads in schools or colleges in England. Includes core and advanced training options. Cost: £450

Designated safeguarding officer training

Two-day training courses for designated safeguarding officers in England. Includes core and advanced training options. Cost: £450

Designated safeguarding person (DSP) in Wales training

Gain the knowledge and skills required to hold the designated safeguarding person role in Wales. Cost: £310

Designated safeguarding officer in Northern Ireland (NI) training

Learn about the role of the designated safeguarding officer in Northern Ireland (NI), and how to receive and respond to child protection concerns. Cost: £155

Introduction to safeguarding and child protection training

Increase your confidence in identifying and responding to possible signs of child abuse and neglect with our introductory course. Available as a virtual course covering England, Scotland and Northern Ireland legislation. Elearning also available for all nations. Cost: £25-£245

Level 4 safeguarding training for named health professionals

Advanced safeguarding training for health professionals in England, covering Level 4 knowledge, skills and competencies outlined in the healthcare staff intercollegiate competency framework. Cost: £450

Managing allegations of abuse training

One-day course on how to effectively manage allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers. Available as a virtual course covering England legislation. Cost: £155-£245

Safer recruitment training (non-education)

Training to safely recruit the right staff and volunteers to ensure they are safe to work with children and young people. Available as a virtual course covering England legislation. Elearning also available for all nations. Cost: £25–£245

Safer recruitment in education training

Recruit safely with our training for anyone working in education or recruiting for roles in the education sector. Available as a virtual course covering England legislation. Elearning also available for all nations. Cost: £25–£245

Safeguarding d/Deaf and disabled children training

Gain an understanding and improved awareness of the barriers d/Deaf and disabled children and young people may face. Cost: £225-£245

Training for child protection trainers

Want to deliver child protection training? You'll gain the skills to deliver, design and evaluate safeguarding training over the course of six days. Includes an optional accreditation. Cost: £1725

Learning from case review training

Learn how to apply learning from case reviews that are conducted when a child dies or is seriously harmed. Training includes common topics and themes, how to apply learning and how to improve day-to-day practice. Cost: £225


> Browse all our training


Got a question about our training?

Call us on 0116 234 7246 or email to discuss your training and consultancy needs with us today.