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Children and families at risk

Abuse can happen to anyone. But research shows that some children who have experienced abuse share similar risk factors. This means they may be more vulnerable.

Having one or more of these risk factors doesn't automatically mean a child will experience abuse or neglect – and not having any of them doesn't guarantee that a child will never be harmed.

Understanding risk and vulnerability factors, and their individual and combined impact on children's lives, can help professionals identify which families may need extra support.

Information and guidance

Find out about the different issues and risks, the impact on children and young people, and how to respond to concerns.

Domestic abuse

Parental mental health

Parental substance misuse

Looked after children

d/Deaf and disabled children

Children who have SEND/ASN/ASL

Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic communities

LGBTQ+ children and young people

Early years

Child abuse and neglect

Related topics and information


Radicalisation is a safeguarding concern. But organisations can help protect children and young people. Find out more about what it is, why it happens and what you can do.


Explains what grooming is, how to recognise it and what you need to do to respond to concerns. 

Early help and early intervention

Learn how to recognise the signs that a child or family may need early help or intervention and how to provide appropriate support.

Training to help you keep children safe

Our range of safeguarding training courses will give you the skills and confidence you need to keep children safe.

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Training to help you keep children safe

Our range of safeguarding training courses will give you the skills and confidence you need to keep children safe.

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