Multi-agency working and information sharing: expert insights

It’s crucial that all the different professionals working with a child and their family effectively work together and share information to build a full picture of the child’s life.
By understanding each other’s roles and building strong multi-agency relationships, professionals can make joint decisions and co-ordinate actions to provide the best protection and support for the child.
This series of expert insight films has been developed to highlight the importance of multi-agency working and information sharing, as well as to identify some of the common barriers and enablers to working effectively with different agencies.
The films have been developed to support and complement our Practice points for social workers on multi-agency working and information sharing.
Experts discuss the importance of multi-agency working and information sharing.
Experts highlight some of the common barriers to effectively working and sharing information with different agencies.
Experts discuss some of the ways in which professionals can work effectively and share information with other agencies.