The voice of the child: expert insights

Listening to and facilitating the voice of the child is a key part of good safeguarding practice.
It helps professionals to understand children’s experiences, identify their needs and recognise any risks or protective factors in their lives.
This series of expert insight films has been designed to help social workers identify and facilitate the voice of the child in their practice.
The films have been developed to support and complement our Practice points on the voice of the child.
What is the voice of the child?
Experts discuss how to identify the voice of babies, children and young people.
Why is it important to hear the voice of the child?
Experts explore the importance of hearing and understanding the child’s voice.
What are the barriers to hearing the child’s voice?
Experts discuss the barriers to hearing the voices of babies, children and young people.
How can we facilitate hearing the child’s voice?
Experts discuss how professionals can help to promote and facilitate children’s voices.