How you can protect children from abuse
For every child reported to be at risk of harm and abuse, there are many others living in difficult situations who come to the attention of no one.
This guide explains what child abuse is and how to recognise that a child might be being abused or neglected. It tells you what you can do to help if you have concerns about a child or if a child tells you they are being abused. It offers advice on how to support your child if they’re anxious about a friend.
If you’re worried about a child, it’s important not to wait until you’re certain. Trust your judgement and act on your concerns. This guide provides information about who you can talk to and aims to help give you the confidence to make the right call.
We have also worked together with members of the Jewish community to produce a guide for those who are worried about a child.
Author: NSPCC
Published: 2015