The Department for Education (DfE) published an updated version of the statutory safeguarding and child protection guidance for schools in England, Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) in September 2024.1 This version replaces previous editions of the guidance. It was initially published for information only in May 2024.
The guidance sets out what schools and colleges in England must do to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18.
Our briefing sets out changes to the guidance.
Updates for KCSIE 2024 include:
Updates made to KCSIE 2023 included:
Updates made to KCSIE 2022 included:
Department for Education (DfE) (2024) Keeping children safe in education 2024: statutory guidance for schools and colleges (PDF). London: Department for Education.Our CASPAR briefings help people working or volunteering with children and young people understand changes to safeguarding and child protection policy and guidance. They also summarise key research and reports from independent bodies such as Ofsted and the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.
> See the full list of briefings
All our safeguarding and child protection elearning courses for schools are up-to-date with statutory guidance across all four nations.
Courses designed to provide training for Designated safeguarding lead in schools and colleges based in England. New to role DSLs provides training for those newly appointed and our Advanced course continues training for experienced, multi-site DSLs.
Get more training for less with our elearning packages for primary and secondary schools. Contains 12 hours of CPD-certified training to cover the child protection knowledge you need.
Explore our full range of training, lesson plans, guidance and resources for schools and colleges to help keep your pupils safe.