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Online safety

Every child deserves to be, and feel, safe online.

The online world creates many opportunities for children and young people, providing a place where they can communicate, learn and play. But there are also risks.

So it's important that everyone working and volunteering with children and young people has the confidence and skills to help keep them safe online.

Our online safety resources, guidance and training are designed to help you create and maintain safer online spaces for children. 

Creating safer spaces online for children

Preventing online harm and abuse

Learn more about the risks children and young people face online, the policies and procedures you need, what the law says and what steps you need to take to help keep them safe.

Responding to online abuse

Any child or young person can experience online abuse. If a child or young person has disclosed that they've experienced abuse online, or you've noticed something worrying, find out how to respond appropriately.

Online safety and schools

Online safety should form a key part of schools' and colleges' safeguarding and child protection measures. Find out more about policies and procedures, IT safety, teaching resources, social media and supporting parents.

Resources and guidance

Our resources for organisations and schools, children and young people, and parents and carers will help improve your practice and keep children safe online.

Social media and online communities

Learn more about setting up an online community or using a new social media platform. Includes assessing, mitigating and addressing risk and ensuring you have appropriate moderation and hosting.

Blogs and articles

Our blogs and articles take a focused look at what you need to know to keep children and young people safe online.

The Online Safety Act: what children and professionals need to know

The Act places new legal duties and responsibilities on online service providers to keep children and young people safe online. Find out more about what it covers and how it will be enforced. 

The 4Cs of online safety

Using the 4Cs of online safety can help schools and organisations make sure they have plans and processes in place to keep children safe. Find out what they cover and how to implement them in your practice.  

Online harms: protecting children and young people

Accessing and experiencing harmful content online can be damaging to children's wellbeing. But what exactly are online harms and what can we do to protect children?

Risk assessing online platforms

How do you make sure online platforms are safe for children and young people? Find out more about what you need to consider when deciding whether you use an online platform.  

Related topics and information

Photographing and filming children

Learn more about taking, sharing, using and storing images of children. Includes information about CCTV and livestreaming online events. 


Explains what grooming is, how to recognise it and how people who work with children can respond to it.

Sexting: sharing nudes and semi-nudes

Covers what schools and organisations working with children and young people need to know about sharing nudes, including writing a policy and procedures and how to respond to incidents.

Bullying and cyberbullying

Describes what bullying and cyberbullying is, how it affects children and how people working with children can respond to it. 

Training to help you keep children safe online

Watch video interviews with experts, complete interactive quizzes and review example scenarios to gain the skills and confidence you need to help keep children safe online.

See course

Training to help you keep children safe online

Watch video interviews with experts, complete interactive quizzes and review example scenarios to gain the skills and confidence you need to help keep children safe online.

See course