d/Deaf children and children who have disabilities: learning from case reviews
Summary of key issues and learning for improved practice when working with d/Deaf children and children who have disabilities
d/Deaf children and children who have disabilities are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect compared with their peers.1,1
Case reviews show that professionals don’t always recognise or understand the signs that d/Deaf children and children who have disabilities are experiencing abuse. This can result in safeguarding concerns being missed.
This briefing looks at a sample of case reviews published between 2016 and 2023 involving d/Deaf children and children who have disabilities. The learning from the case reviews emphasises the importance of building relationships with caregivers to understand when they might need further support. It also highlights the importance of drawing on the expertise of professionals who have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the child’s additional needs.
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (CSPRP) (2023) Safeguarding children with disabilities in residential settings. [Accessed 02/02/2024].Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) (2022) Child sexual exploitation by organised networks: investigation report. [Accessed 04/02/2022].
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Our series of thematic briefings highlight the learning from case reviews conducted when a child dies, or is seriously harmed, as a result of abuse or neglect. Each briefing focuses on a different topic or learning for specific sectors, pulling together key risk factors and practice recommendations.
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We work with local safeguarding partners to ensure that learning from case reviews can be accessed and shared at a local, regional and national level.