Police often have significant contact with families prior to the incidents that trigger case reviews. Police can come into contact with children in a number of different ways.
They can be directly involved when young people commit offences, go missing from home or when offences are committed against children.
They may also become involved indirectly, through the criminal behaviour of parents or carers. Police have a key role to play in removing children from immediate danger, investigating and arresting perpetrators of child abuse, and sharing information and intelligence about the risks young people are exposed to.
Case reviews highlight that police need to work closely with other agencies to respond quickly and holistically to child protection concerns.
Police need to be aware of the impact of abuse and neglect on children, and recognise the signs of abuse. They also need to consider how the criminal behaviour of family members affects children.
Our series of thematic briefings highlight the learning from case reviews conducted when a child dies, or is seriously harmed, as a result of abuse or neglect. Each briefing focuses on a different topic or learning for specific sectors, pulling together key risk factors and practice recommendations.
We work with local safeguarding partners to ensure that learning from case reviews can be accessed and shared at a local, regional and national level.
Find out how you can apply the lessons from case reviews and improve your practice to help protect children and young people.
Browse through our list of child safeguarding practice reviews, serious case reviews, significant case reviews and child practice reviews which were added to the National case review repository in the last five years.
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A summary of the Children Safeguarding Practice Review Panel briefing that sets out key findings and recommendations for practice from a literature review and a thematic analysis of case reviews where domestic abuse featured.
What to do if you have concerns that a child you know through your work or volunteering has experienced abuse and neglect.