In 2021/22, there were approximately 105,400 looked after children in the UK. In the last five years the population of looked after children in the UK has increased by 9%. However, it is important to note that this UK-wide trend is not reflected in all four nations.
This briefing looks at what data and statistics are available about children in care to help professionals, and the organisations they work for, make evidence-based decisions.
Statistics can help people and the organisations they work for make evidence-based decisions about how best to meet the needs of children. Our series of briefings looks at what available data can tell us about child abuse and neglect.
Sets out who looked after children are, why they may need additional help, and ways to provide them with the support they need.
Lessons from a sample of case reviews published between 2016 and 2023, which have highlighted lessons for returning children home from care.
Findings from a survey of 75 local authorities about reunification practice in England with recommendations to improve support.
Find out what data is available and what it can tell us about how many children and young people experience abuse and neglect in the UK.
Find out more about the calls and contacts received by our helpline services.
Our factsheet explores issues to consider when looking at service data, self-report data, trends and statistics across different areas in relation to child abuse.