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Working with young volunteers

Last updated: 28 Feb 2024

Volunteering can be a great way for young people to learn and develop new skills, gain experience for their future employment, 'give back' to an organisation that has previously offered them support and help their local community.

As well as the time, support and skills that young people can offer, organisations can learn from their young volunteers - particularly a young person's own experiences both within and outside of your group might be very different to those of adult volunteers. The peer support that young volunteers can provide can also be invaluable.

If you're working with young volunteers then there are a few things you must consider. Organisations and groups must protect their young volunteers and do all they can to make sure that their volunteering experience is positive. This should be balanced with the needs of the groups and individuals you work with.

This page covers what you need to know about recruiting, safeguarding and supporting young volunteers.

Introductory training courses

Take a look at our online and face-to-face training courses which cover topics such as online safety, d/Deaf and disabled children, safeguarding young adults, sports and more.

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Assessing risk

Assessing risk

As with all voluntary placements, you should carry out a risk assessment to identify any potential safeguarding issues that might occur with the tasks that young people are asked to undertake. These include:

  • the potential risks for exploitation of the young volunteers
  • the possible emotional impact of tasks
  • the impact of pressures young people might be experiencing in their lives (for example during exams).

Potential risks for exploitation

You should make sure measures are in place to protect young volunteers from all forms of exploitation.

Hours and type of work

There is no specific legislation about young people volunteering for a not-for-profit organisation. Following the rules for employing young people can help ensure you aren’t expecting them to work excessive hours or carry out inappropriate tasks.

You should also consider whether they are able to carry out the work and have everything they need to complete tasks. Your assessment of this should take into account the young person’s age and stage of development, their circumstances and any additional needs they might have.

> Find out what the law states about child employment

Sexual exploitation and grooming

Forming healthy working relationships with adults and peers is an important part of being a young volunteer. However, you should be aware of the risks of grooming and other inappropriate behaviour. Measures you can take to mitigate risk include:

  • having a code of conduct that sets out how you expect young volunteers and anyone working with them to behave
  • making sure young volunteers know who they can talk to if they have a concern and that they feel safe to do so
  • making sure young volunteers aren't left alone with anyone, unless as part of a designated support role.

You should also ensure that young volunteers are not being put at any risk by any beneficiaries of your group or organisation.

> See more information on conduct and behaviour

> Find out what else you need to consider when working alone with children and young people

> Find out more about protecting children from grooming

Emotional impact and other pressures

Every club, group and organisation is different. You might work with vulnerable groups of people or your volunteers might undertake activities that are challenging or sensitive. You should think about the emotional impact of these on your young volunteers and make sure support is in place if they are ever worried or concerned about anything.

In addition, young volunteers might be facing other pressures at home or at school. For example, they might experience additional stress during exam periods or if they have caring responsibilities at home. Consider whether you need to make any adjustments to their role and make sure they know who they can talk to if they need to.


You should check your employer's liability insurance to make sure that it covers young volunteers, especially if they are under 16-years-old.

Selecting young volunteers

Selecting young volunteers

As well as making sure that a young volunteer is the right fit for a role, you should consider whether your group or organisation is right for them. Check that the activities are suitable for a young person and you've assessed any risks.

You might need to adapt your usual volunteer recruitment processes to meet the needs of young people, for example, you might choose to hold a less formal interview.

Always carry out all the necessary checks such as references and vetting checks. If your club or group works with children, young people or adults at risk of harm, and your volunteers are aged 16 or older, you must find out if you need to undertake criminal record checks such as DBS, PVG or AccessNI. 

> Find out more about vetting and barring checks

Consent and parental permission

You must get written agreement from young volunteers who want to be involved with your organisation. This should set out what they will be doing and the organisation's expectations of them. The young person should sign this document.

You should also get agreement from their parents, depending on the volunteer's age and the activities they will be doing.

Remember you might also need separate consent for specific activities, for example overnight trips.


You should get consent from parents or carers for volunteers aged under 16 and ask them to sign a written consent form. Make sure that parents or carers are aware of your safeguarding policy and procedures.

> See an example consent form

16- and 17-year-olds

In most cases parents have a legal responsibility for their child up to the age of 18. However for young people aged 16 and 17 you should consider whether it is appropriate to obtain parental consent depending on the volunteering activity and the young person's circumstances. If you decide you don't need consent then you should consider whether you should still inform parents that the young person is volunteering.

Although a young person might have agreed to their involvement, there might be specific activities that they feel uncomfortable taking part in and you should discuss with them what alternative arrangements would be appropriate.

Volunteers from other groups

There are lots of groups and organisations who help and encourage young people to find volunteering opportunities such as the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and National Citizen Service. Some schools and colleges also run volunteering schemes with their students. There can be benefits in working alongside groups like this that are experienced in working with young volunteers.

If you're working with another organisation, make sure you follow their policies and procedures as well as those of your own group or organisation. You should also find out what they expect of the young volunteer and your organisation. For example, do they require regular updates or will the young volunteer need to carry out certain activities?

Induction and training

All volunteers should be given an induction and regular training, including safeguarding training. If some of your volunteers are young people, you should tailor your induction process so that it is accessible for them and covers any additional requirements or questions they might have. Make sure you include what a young person should do if they have a concern either about themselves or someone else. They will also need to know how to promote positive behaviour within the group they are volunteering with.

Conduct and behaviour

Conduct and behaviour

Make sure that young volunteers are clear about the context of their role and that they know and understand their responsibilities and boundaries. 

Codes of conduct

Draw up a code of conduct that sets out clear rules about behaviour so that young volunteers know what is expected of them and what they can expect from your group or organisation. The code should cover issues such as:

  • bullying
  • relationships
  • drugs and alcohol
  • online behaviour.

It should also cover what steps will be taken if the code is breached.

> Find out more about behaviour management and see an example behaviour code policy

Young volunteers working with vulnerable groups

If young volunteers are working with other children and young people or adults at risk of harm, it's important that they understand that they:

  • have a responsibility for others
  • are in a position of authority
  • must behave appropriately. 

Young volunteers should understand their safeguarding responsibilities, know what it is that you expect from them and what steps they should take if a safeguarding matter arises. Make sure your safeguarding policies and procedures are written and presented in an accessible way for young volunteers and ensure they can be accessed at all times.

It's important that young volunteers know who to talk to if they have any concerns and that they should do so as soon as possible rather than keep any worries to themselves. You should ensure appropriate support is in place for them. This should be part of your training and induction processes.

Some young people might not be suitable to work with other children or adults at risk. This could be for a range of reasons, including the potential impact on the young volunteer themselves. In general, volunteers aged under 18 should never be left alone to supervise others or included in adult to child supervision ratios.

> For more details, look at our recommended adult to child ratios

> Find out more about safeguarding policies and procedures

Managing allegations

Ensure that you have a procedure in place for managing any allegations made against a young volunteer. These might include, for example, allegations that they have behaved in a way that has harmed, or might have harmed, another young person or member of the group. Any allegations must be taken seriously and dealt with sensitively and promptly.

> Find out more about managing allegations made against a child

> Take our training on managing allegations of abuse against volunteers

Supporting young volunteers

Supporting young volunteers

Young volunteers might need additional support and supervision. You should make sure that there is clear and accessible support available and that young volunteers know how to access this.

Supporting and mentoring young people

Consider putting a support or mentoring scheme in place with a named adult for each young person. Anyone acting in a supporting role should be skilled and competent at supporting young people from a variety of backgrounds and abilities.

Make sure any adults acting in a mentoring or supporting role are suitable for this role by following safer recruitment processes. Ensure there are adequate safeguarding measures in place so that young people are not placed at any additional risk.

> Find out more about safer recruitment

> Find out more about preventing abuse in positions of trust

> Find out more about protecting children from grooming 

Buddying schemes

You could create a "buddying" system where young people in a similar position can support each other - although this should never be a substitute for adult support. 

Raising concerns

It's important that young volunteers know what to do if someone tells them something that worries them or they have a concern about their role or organisation.

Make sure that young volunteers understand your safeguarding policy and procedures and know who they can talk to. You should make sure that there is support available to young volunteers if they are worried about their own or someone else's wellbeing.

You should also provide young volunteers with access to your complaints and whistleblowing procedures.

> Find out more about whistleblowing

> Find out more about safeguarding policies and procedures


Related NSPCC resources

8 steps to safeguarding and child protection

A short guide to keeping children safe for the voluntary and community sector.

> Find out more

Writing a safeguarding policy and procedures

Explains how to write a safeguarding or child protection policy statement that sets out your organisation's commitment to keeping children safe.

> Learn more

Safeguarding self-assessment tool

Use our self-assessment tool to help review and update your safeguarding measures.

Start your audit


If a child or young person needs confidential help and advice direct them to Childline. Calls to 0800 1111 are free and children can also contact Childline online. You can also download Childline posters to share digitally or print and pin up around your building.

Training courses

Our elearning, in-person and virtual training courses can help develop your and your volunteers' understanding of how to protect children from abuse:
