Making a referral
1. Check the young person wants to receive the service
Speak to the young person and, if appropriate, their parent or carer about the Building Connections service to establish their willingness to engage in 11 weeks of text-based, online sessions.
You can share the leaflet and video on the resources tab so they can learn more about the service.
2. Request consent
If the young person is under 18 and living in England, Wales, Northern Ireland or the Channel Islands or under 16 and living in Scotland, request consent from the young person and their parent or carer by asking them to fill in this form together:
Parent or carer and young person consent to service and data privacy agreement
If the young person is over 18 and living in England, Wales. Northern Ireland or the Channel Islands or over 16 and living in Scotland, you only need consent from the young person. Ask them to fill in this form:
Young person consent to service and data privacy agreement
3. Submit a request for service
Once you have received an email with a unique reference number, fill in the request for service form.
The information provided on the form will be used to assess the suitability of Building Connections for the young person, so it is important that you provide as much detailed information as possible in all fields to allow us to arrive at a quick and accurate decision.
Complete request for service form
What happens next
When we receive your referral, we will assess whether Building Connections is suitable for the young person. We will let you know our decision within seven working days.
If Building Connections is suitable, we will email you about the next steps and how the young person will be able to book their sessions.
If other support would be more appropriate, we will contact you directly to discuss this.
If you have any questions, please contact the Building Connections team on