Neglect is a serious form of harm. Both families and professionals can become overwhelmed and demoralised by issues of neglect. Children may experience repeated attempts by professionals to try and improve the situation.
Published case reviews highlight that professionals face a big challenge in identifying and taking timely action on neglect.
The learning from these reviews highlights that professionals from all agencies must be able to:
Published: December 2022
Our series of thematic briefings highlight the learning from case reviews conducted when a child dies, or is seriously harmed, as a result of abuse or neglect. Each briefing focuses on a different topic or learning for specific sectors, pulling together key risk factors and practice recommendations.
We work with local safeguarding partners to ensure that learning from case reviews can be accessed and shared at a local, regional and national level.
Find out how you can apply the lessons from case reviews and improve your practice to help protect children and young people.
Browse through our list of child safeguarding practice reviews, serious case reviews, significant case reviews and child practice reviews which were added to the National case review repository in the last five years.
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Increase your understanding of child neglect, the potential impact it can have, how you can recognise it and prevent possible neglect from happening.
A strengths and evidence-based assessment tool to help professionals measure the quality of care provided by a parent or carer in meeting their child's needs.
Pulls together all the data available about child neglect, including the scale of the issue and the characteristics of children who experience child neglect.