Online harm and abuse: learning from case reviews
Summary of key issues and learning for improved practice around online harm and abuse
Published case reviews highlight that the online world presents a growing number of challenges for those working to protect children and young people from harm and abuse. For example, children may be exposed to harmful content online, or be subjected to online grooming, sexual abuse and exploitation.
This briefing looks at case reviews published between 2015 and 2022, where online harm or abuse was a key factor.
It summarises:
- key issues around online harm and abuse highlighted in the case reviews
- reasons why some children and young people are particularly vulnerable to online harm and abuse
- learning to help professionals prevent and respond to incidences of online harm and abuse.
Please cite as: NSPCC (2022) Online harm and abuse: learning from case reviews. London: NSPCC.
Browse our full series of learning from case reviews briefings
Our series of thematic briefings highlight the learning from case reviews conducted when a child dies, or is seriously harmed, as a result of abuse or neglect. Each briefing focuses on a different topic or learning for specific sectors, pulling together key risk factors and practice recommendations.
More about case reviews
We work with local safeguarding partners to ensure that learning from case reviews can be accessed and shared at a local, regional and national level.