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News from NSPCC Learning

Podcast: An introduction to Report Remove, an online self-reporting tool for young people

Type: Podcast

Learn more about the development of Report Remove, an online tool that under-18s can use to report nude images or videos of themselves that have been shared online, to see if they can be removed from the internet.

Mar 21 2023

Podcast: Together for Childhood — what we've learnt to help prevent abuse and neglect

Type: Podcast

Discover how the NSPCC's Together for Childhood (TfC) programme works alongside local communities to prevent child abuse and neglect. The discussion draws on practice examples of how TfC has made a difference for local communities.

Oct 24 2022

Podcast: researching mental health support for adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse

Type: Podcast

Learn about new research from the Safer Young Lives Research Centre (SYLRC) covering how to best support adolescent mental health and wellbeing after sexual abuse.

Sept 05 2022

Podcast: sibling sexual abuse

Type: Podcast

What you need to consider when working with children and families where harmful sexual behaviour has been displayed between siblings and how you can facilitate reunification.

Jun 06 2022

Podcast: understanding denial in children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

Type: Podcast

This episode provides insight into what denial might look like and how you can help children and young people open up using trauma-informed approaches and exercises.

Feb 28 2022

Podcast: NSPCC Helpline’s Domestic Abuse Practice Advisors

Type: Podcast

Learn how the NSPCC Helpline’s new Domestic Abuse Practice Advisors support children and families experiencing domestic abuse in this NSPCC Learning podcast episode.

Jan 31 2022

Podcast: recognising and responding to child neglect

Type: Podcast

A two-part podcast series on child neglect: what it is, why it can be challenging to conduct assessments around neglect, why neglect happens and what can be done to help families when neglect takes place.

Dec 06 2021

Podcast: technology-assisted harmful sexual behaviour

Type: Podcast

Learn about the prevalence of technology-assisted harmful sexual behaviour (TA-HSB) and why it is a growing concern.

Nov 29 2021

Podcast: planning therapeutic sessions for children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

Type: Podcast

What to consider when planning therapeutic sessions for children and young people displaying harmful sexual behaviour (HSB).

Nov 22 2021

Podcast: direct work with children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

Type: Podcast

We spoke to NSPCC practitioners about the principles of direct work with children and young people displaying harmful sexual behaviour.

Nov 15 2021