Discover how learning from the work of the Panel, and the reports they publish, can lead to improvements in safeguarding practice. You'll hear two members of the Panel discuss two reports published at the end of 2024: a national review into child sexual abuse within the family environment and their annual report.
News from NSPCC Learning

Why language matters: how using the term ‘disguised compliance’ can be problematic
The phrase ‘disguised compliance’ can be misleading, unhelpful and blaming and can undermine working relationships with caregivers.

Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse
What are the latest government plans for a mandatory duty in England to report known or suspected child sexual abuse?
Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse
What are the latest government plans for a mandatory duty in England to report known or suspected child sexual abuse?
New sibling sexual abuse service launched
The NSPCC has launched a new pilot service designed to support families who have experienced sibling sexual harm or abuse.
Responding to low-level concerns about adults working in education
How schools and colleges should respond to low-level concerns in education including resources to support you.
What we’ve learnt from the NSPCC Helpline domestic abuse project
We monitored and evaluated the work of the NSPCC Helpline domestic abuse project and pulled together learning to share with professionals and communities to help them tackle domestic abuse.
Can you help peer review NSPCC research?
We are seeking new peer reviewers to maintain the quality of the research we produce.
New resources to embed healthy relationships across your whole school
We've launched a Whole-School Approach Framework for sex and relationships education as part of our Talk Relationships service.

Methods for assessing the mental health needs of young people who have experienced abuse and neglect
Learn about a Queen's University Belfast study that highlights the importance of understanding and responding to the mental health needs of young people who have experienced abuse and neglect.
Report Abuse in Education helpline resources launched
Resources to share details of the Report Abuse in Schools helpline with your school community are now available.
Helpline for people who have experienced sexual abuse in education settings launched
The NSPCC has launched a dedicated helpline for children who have experienced abuse at school, and for adults and professionals that need support and guidance.
NSPCC Wales contributes to new Welsh Government guidance on safeguarding children from harmful sexual behaviour in schools
NSPCC Wales has co-written new safeguarding guidance for the Welsh Government, on protecting children from harmful sexual behaviour in schools.
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