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NSPCC Learning Podcast

Last updated: 13 Mar 2025 Topics: Safeguarding and child protection
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Tune into our podcast on child protection and safeguarding

Our podcast features experts from the NSPCC and external organisations discussing a range of child protection issues. We look at what we are doing to actively keep children safe in the wider community and how we can continue to improve our practices and prevent abuse from occurring.

No matter your role or sector, whether you work or volunteer with children and young people indirectly or directly, you’ll gain valuable information to take away through our discussions, one-to-one chats and debates.

You can subscribe to our podcast and stay-to-date with all our episodes via Audioboom, Apple Podcasts and Spotify and YouTube.

Latest episode: The work of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

Discover how learning from the work of the Panel, and the reports they publish, can lead to improvements in safeguarding practice. You'll hear two members of the Panel discuss two reports published at the end of 2024: a national review into child sexual abuse within the family environment and their annual report.

Part one:

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Part two:

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Episode directory

Browse through all our published episodes on safeguarding and protecting children.

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Episode directory

Episode directory

Listen to the full series

Use the interactive player below to listen to our episodes or browse through the directory for a summary of what each episode is about. 

Episode 70: Online safety - a young person's perspective

Hear from young people about what makes them feel safe online and what online safety topics they'd like to learn more about.

Episode 69: Mental health first aid kits

Learn how mental health first aid kits can help young people manage their mental health if they’re struggling.

Episode 68: How to plan meaningful participation work with victims and survivors of child sexual abuse

Sir Peter Wanless and members of the IICSA Changemakers discuss how to carry out safe and meaningful participation work with adult victim-survivors of child sexual abuse.

Episode 67: Providing better support for vulnerable teenagers

Anne Longfield, Executive Chair of the Centre for Young Lives, shares her thoughts on what needs to be done to improve the safeguarding support available to teenagers across the UK.

Episode 66: How domestic abuse affects children

Hear from Childline and NSPCC Helpline representatives about the potential effects of domestic abuse on babies, children and young people, and how professionals can respond to this in their practice.

Episode 65: Teaching sex and relationships education (SRE) with Talk Relationships

Childline ambassador Natalie Dormer talks to teachers about the challenges they face when teaching sex and relationships education in schools and how the NSPCC’s Talk Relationships service helps them respond to these problems.

Episode 64: The voice of the child in social work practice

Three consultant social workers from the NSPCC’s Quality and Practice team look at how we can hear and understand the young person’s voice.

Episode 63: Supporting d/Deaf children — putting the child at the centre of decision making

Learn more about how understanding the language and communication needs of d/Deaf children can help you keep them safe.

Episode 62: Absenteeism in schools

Experts from the NSPCC and Childline discuss school absenteeism, which has increased since the pandemic, and the safeguarding implications of children missing school.

Episode 61: Understanding pre-birth assessments

Social work practitioners explain what effective pre-birth assessments look like and how they play an important role in safeguarding babies.

Recommendations for Change: a series about the IICSA final report

A five-part podcast series breaking down why the the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) final recommendations are needed, how they’ll work if implemented, and what impact they might have on the prevention of child sexual abuse. The episode topics are: an introduction to IICSA; the importance of data; children in care; online safety; justice and redress.

Episodes 59 and 60: Supporting new parents through adversity

Learn how therapeutic and trauma-informed early intervention services can support families through adversity and give children and young people the best start in life.

Episode 58: Building an evidence base for social work

Listen to a panel of experts from the NSPCC talk about how social workers can build and maintain an evidence base to support their work.

Episode 57: What's next for children's social care in England? A practical perspective

A practical look at what an improved social care system in England might look like, with a focus on improving family support and early help services.

Episode 56: What's next for Children's Social Care in England? An interview with Josh MacAlister

Josh MacAlister, the chair of the Independent Review of Children's Social Care in England, talks about proposed reforms to the social care system.

Episode 55: Domestic abuse support in the workplace

Domestic abuse experts from the NSPCC Helpline discuss what workplaces can do to provide support to parents and children experiencing domestic abuse.

Episode 54: An introduction to Report Remove, an online self-reporting tool for young people

Learn more about the development of Report Remove, an online tool that under-18s can use to report nude images or videos of themselves that have been shared online, to see if they can be removed from the internet.

Episode 53: Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing in schools

We spoke to experts from Place2Be and Childline about the different ways that schools can support children and young people with their mental health and wellbeing.

Episode 52: Together for Childhood — what we've learnt to help prevent abuse and neglect

Hear from the development managers for all four Together for Childhood sites about how the programme has made a difference for local communities.

Episode 51: researching mental health support for adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse

Learn about new research from the Safer Young Lives Research Centre (SYLRC) covering how to best support adolescent mental health and wellbeing after sexual abuse.

Episode 50: Sibling sexual abuse

What you need to consider when working with children and families where harmful sexual behaviour has been displayed between siblings and how you can facilitate reunification.

Episode 49: Understanding denial in children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

In this episode, we focus on exploring feelings of denial in children and young people who have displaying harmful sexual behaviour, and how you can use therapeutic sessions to build trust.

Episode 48: NSPCC Helpline’s Domestic Abuse Practice Advisors

Learn how the NSPCC Helpline’s new Domestic Abuse Practice Advisors support children and families experiencing domestic abuse in this episode.

Episodes 46 and 47: Recognising and responding to child neglect

Expert practitioners who have worked with children and young people experiencing neglect discuss what neglect is, why it can be challenging to conduct assessments around neglect, why neglect happens and what can be done to help families when neglect takes place.

Episode 45: Technology-assisted harmful sexual behaviour

In the final episode of our mini-HSB series, Pat Branigan, the NSPCC's Associate Head of Development, speaks to Emma Hodgson, an NSPCC development social worker and Carol Carson from the AIM Project about TA-HSB and what help is available to support professionals working with children.

Episode 44: Planning therapeutic sessions for children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

Continuing on from episode 43, Katy and Rowan discuss planning therapeutic sessions, including helpful ideas you can use in your work to talk about difficult topics and exploring harmful sexual behaviour.

Episode 43: Direct work with children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

We spoke to NSPCC practitioners about conducting therapeutic sessions with children and young people and understanding how to manage incidents of harmful sexual behaviour.

Episode 42: Black girls' experiences of sexual abuse

We talk about the lack of representation of Black girls' experiences in child sexual abuse research and the impact this has on policy and practice.

Episode 41: Intersectionality in social work practice

Hear Jahnine Davis and Nick Marsh, founders of Listen Up and Ineke Houtenbos, a senior consultant at the NSPCC, discuss intersectionality and its application within safeguarding practice.

Episode 40: Why domestic abuse is a child protection issue

This episode focuses on the complexity of domestic abuse and explores the effects it can have on children, including the main themes that emerged from our learning case reviews briefing on domestic and what we've seen in practice.

Episode 39: Building children and young people's digital resilience

We invited practitioners from our InCtrl service to understand more about how children and young people's lives can be affected by the online world and the types of risks they may come across.

Episode 38: How can volunteers support vulnerable families?

We conducted a literature review into the role volunteers have in supporting vulnerable families and how this work is carried out. Find out what the evidence from the review told us.

Episode 37: What have we learnt during COVID-19?

In this episode, we reflect on the past nine months with our CEO, Peter Wanless, discussing the issues and challenges children and young people are facing; what child protection and safeguarding themes emerged; delivering services for children and families remotely.

Episodes 35 and 36: Providing perinatal education through Baby Steps

Two episodes focusing on how the NSPCC and its partner sites are delivering perinatal education to parents virtually during the pandemic and what we’ve discovered from our research into the Baby Steps service.

Episode 34: Going virtual with Speak out Stay safe

You may have already listened to our previous episode on what Speak out Stay safe is, but this time we explore why there have been major changes to how it’s being delivered in schools and why we’ve made the decision to deliver the programme online.

Episode 33: Helping children recover from domestic abuse

To mark the tenth anniversary of our domestic abuse service, we invited some of the team involved in delivering the service, including one of our scale-up partners to talk more about the impact of domestic abuse on children.

Episode 32: Safeguarding advice for tutors

What challenges do tutors face when it comes to safeguarding young people they work with? Listen to this episode for practical advice whether you’re a new or existing tutor.

Episode 31: How Childline has been supporting children during COVID-19

Come listen to two of our Childline workers delve into what children and young people have been telling them both online and in counselling sessions since the lockdown began.

Episode 30: Impact on delivering children's services during lockdown

Explores how children’s services are operating and keeping in touch with children and families whilst social distancing safely. Includes insights into what practitioners have experienced and heard during this time.

Episode 29: Impact of coronavirus on school staff and pupils

How did schools respond to the challenges imposed by the pandemic? Listen to hear how schools adapted their services to continue safeguarding their pupils and support their wellbeing.

Episode 28: Returning to school post-lockdown

An episode discussing enquiries we’ve received from the education sector about the coronavirus outbreak and how they can continue to support their pupils remotely.

Episode 27: Antenatal and postnatal care during COVID-19

The first episode in our coronavirus series explores the impact on pregnant women, postnatal services and parental mental health during the pandemic and lockdown.

Episode 26: Infants and child development

We invited two NSPCC social workers and a safeguarding manager to come together to discuss the risks to infants under two and how these risks can be recognised and prevented.

Episode 25: Preventing harmful sexual behaviour

We invited two Designated Safeguarding Leads and a social worker to talk about how harmful sexual behaviour can be prevented and managed in educational settings.

Episode 24: Assessing sexualised behaviour

In the second episode of our three-part series, we look at how schools can assess sexualised behaviour and how to address high or lower level concerns.

Episode 23: Harmful sexual behaviour in schools

The first episode of a three-part series discussing the issues educational settings are facing around harmful sexual behaviour and how to manage this effectively.

Episode 22: Supporting young people with learning disabilities

An insight into how you can use our Love Life resources to help young people with special educational needs and learning disabilities.

Episode 21: Steps to Safety programme

Discover why the early-intervention programme was developed, how it helped families living with domestic abuse and what we’ve learnt from delivering the service.

Episode 20: Preventing the sexual abuse of disabled children

Hear about our study into parents’ and carers’ views on keeping children and young people with disabilities safe from sexual abuse.

Episode 19: What is the Underwear Rule?

Explains what the Underwear Rule is and how you can use our teaching resources to help you keep children safe from sexual abuse.

Episode 18: Together for Childhood in Stoke

Learn about how the programme is being delivered in Stoke and receive advice on how to launch a co-creative and collaborative initiative like Together for Childhood.

Episode 17: Charity trustees' responsibilities

Find out what key responsibilities a charity trustee has in safeguarding children and young people and delivering safe services.

Episode 16: Faith-based communities

Discusses safeguarding responsibilities, challenges and culture, including the role faith and places of worship play in children and young people’s lives.

Episode 15: Schools' role in safeguarding

Explores good safeguarding practices, barriers to talking about concerns, promoting positive mental health across your organisation and more.

Episode 14: Enhancing online safety for children

Gain an insight into the online world children and young people are a part of and learn how you can run online services safely and adopt professional and personal boundaries.

Episode 13: Safeguarding adults and children

Are you responsible for safeguarding adults and children within a mixed-age group organisation? Tune into our episode for advice, support and useful resources.

Episode 12: Nominated child protection lead

Advice for anyone new to a child protection lead role or current leads looking to better understand the role at a strategic level.

Episode 11: An introduction to safeguarding

Play our episode for advice and tips on safeguarding children and young people during activities and events.

Episode 10: How safe? 2019 report

A conversation with Holly Bentley, the lead author of the seventh How safe? report, on the emerging issues around online safety and abuse in the UK.

Episode 9: Military families

Tune into our episode to explore the challenges military-connected families can face, the impact on children and findings from our evaluation report.

Episode 8: Safer recruitment in education

Uncovers the risks involved and common errors made when recruiting for new staff in an educational institution. Learn how to embed safer processes in your organisation.

Episode 7: Anti-bullying in schools

Explains how to implement effective anti-bullying procedures and ensure the safety of your students from all forms of bullying.

Episode 6: what is Speak out Stay safe?

Do you work in a primary school? Listen to our episode on empowering young children to speak out if they are worried about anything inside or outside of school.

Episode 5: Perinatal mental health

Discover ways to support parents who are experiencing perinatal mental health problems and programmes you can refer them to for help.

Episode 4: The Lighthouse

Find out what support The Lighthouse (a multi-agency service) offers to children and young people who have experienced any form of sexual abuse.

Episode 3: Child Trafficking Advice Centre

Get advice from our specialist service team about what you should do if you suspect a child has been or is about to be trafficked into or out of the UK.

Episode 2: Protect and Respect

Hear our discussion of the issues around child sexual exploitation (CSE) and how to work with children or young people who have been or are at risk of exploitation.

Episode 1: Together for Childhood

Learn about what Together for Childhood is, why it was created and how the initiative works to prevent child abuse and neglect across four locations in the UK.
