- Home
- Why language matters: why we shouldn’t talk about the ‘risky behaviour’ of young people experiencing abuse
- Why language matters: digging deeper than 'did not attend'
- Why language matters: Harmful sexual behaviour
- Why language matters: 'hidden' in plain sight
- Why language matters: ‘sexting’ or ‘sharing nudes’?
- Why language matters: reframing responsibility for accessing services
- Why language matters: why we should never use ‘child pornography’ and always say child sexual abuse material
- Why language matters: in need of attention, not ‘attention seeking’
- Why language matters: how ‘toxic trio’ is unhelpful and inaccurate
- Why language matters: domestic abuse is broader than domestic violence
- Why language matters: why you should avoid labelling allegations as ‘malicious’
- Why language matters: how the label ‘older boyfriend’ can mask child sexual exploitation
- Equal protection from assault, not ‘smacking ban'
- What is meant by 'early help'
- Why language matters: using ‘non-accidental head injury’ and not ‘shaken baby syndrome’
- Why we should avoid the term ‘victim’ when talking about children who have experienced abuse
- Why language matters: why the term ‘paedophile’ can be problematic and should be used with caution
- Why referring to online ‘friends’ can mask safeguarding concerns
- How terms like ‘recruited' and ‘working’ minimise children’s experiences of criminal exploitation
- Why language matters: rethinking the language of suicide
- Why language matters: why we say children who have disabilities rather than disabled children
- Why language matters: how using the term ‘disguised compliance’ can be problematic
- New resources to embed healthy relationships across your whole school: Talk Relationships Whole-School Approach Framework
Podcast: Absenteeism in schools
Podcast: Supporting d/Deaf children — putting the child at the centre of decision making
- Can you help peer review NSPCC research?
- Learnings from the Helpline domestic abuse project
Podcast: The voice of the child in social work practice
- NSPCC Learning review of 2019
Podcast: harmful sexual behaviour in schools
Podcast: assessing sexualised behaviour
Podcast: infants and child development
- NSPCC’s Pat Branigan granted Churchill Fellowship to combat child sexual abuse
- UK Government publishes three new reports about learning from case reviews in England
Podcast: antenatal and postnatal care during COVID-19
Podcast: returning to school post-lockdown
Podcast: impact of coronavirus on school staff and pupils
Podcast: impact on delivering children’s services during lockdown
- Making neuroscience more accessible: childhood trauma, the brain and mental health
Podcast: helping children recover from domestic abuse
- Case reviews
Child abuse and neglect
Protecting children from bullying
Protecting children from criminal exploitation
Protecting children from sexual abuse
Protecting children from CSE
Protecting children from trafficking and modern slavery
Protecting children from county lines
Protecting children from domestic abuse
Protecting children from emotional abuse
Protecting children from FGM
- Harmful sexual behaviour
Protecting children from neglect
Protecting children from physical abuse
Recognising and responding to abuse
Protecting children from bullying
- Child health and development
- Child protection system in the UK
- Children and families at risk
- Safeguarding and child protection in the early years
- Protecting children in the health sector
- Online safety
Safeguarding and child protection
- Getting started with safeguarding and child protection
- Managing allegations of abuse
Writing safeguarding policies and procedures
Safer recruitment
Safer activities and events
Early help and early intervention
Healthy and unhealthy relationships
Radicalisation and child protection
How to have difficult conversations with children
Safeguarding example scenarios: issues and concerns
- Anti-bullying resources
Working with young volunteers
Safeguarding d/Deaf and disabled children and young people
- Supporting children who have additional needs and disabilities, SEND, ASN or ALN
Safeguarding children who come from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic communities
Safeguarding LGBTQ+ children and young people
- Voluntary and community groups
Safeguarding in the performing arts
Safeguarding in faith communities
Charity trustees
Lone working with children
Safeguarding and child protection for tutors
- COVID pandemic
- What is safeguarding in sport?
- 8 steps to safeguarding and child protection
Assessing safeguarding risks
Getting support with safeguarding
- 4Rs of safeguarding and child protection
Safeguarding and child protection in schools
Roles and responsibilities
Promoting healthy relationships
Safeguarding children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
School visitors and safeguarding
- Relationships, health and sex education resources
- Teaching resources and lesson plans
Inspection requirements for safeguarding in UK schools
Roles and responsibilities
- Statistics on child abuse
Research and resources
- NSPCC Research directory
- NSPCC Resources
- Summary of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel annual report 2023/24
- Effective multi-agency working and information sharing: evidence snapshot
- Generative AI and children’s safety
- Insights on young people engaging in harmful and problematic sexual behaviour
- Summary of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s briefing on race, racism and safeguarding children
- Home again: reunification practice in England
- Safe Home evaluation briefing
- Embedding children’s services practitioners in local primary schools: a process evaluation of the Together for Childhood Grimsby pilot
- Summary of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel annual report 2022/23: CASPAR briefing
- Young people’s experiences of in-patient mental health care: helplines insight briefing
- Challenges young people are facing around sexuality and gender identity: Helplines insight briefing
- Recommendations for Change: an NSPCC Learning Podcast series about IICSA
- Barriers for professionals to reporting abuse and neglect: Helplines insight briefing
- Young people's knowledge, attitudes and behaviours
- Carrying out assessments: evidence snapshot
- Early years foundation stage statutory framework
- Putting children’s voices at the heart of online safety regulation
- Understanding early pregnancy support: Together for Childhood Glasgow (Govan) research report
- Hearing the voice of the child: evidence snapshot
- Young people’s experiences of online sexual extortion
- Too little, too late: identifying and tackling neglect
- The impact of financial pressures on young people
- Understanding and responding to sibling sexual harm and abuse
- Access to early childhood services for families impacted by poverty in the UK
- National review into CSA in the family environment
- What professionals know, think and do to prevent child abuse – and how we can support them
- Government plans to reform children's social care in England: CASPAR briefing
- Building a community of safeguarders
- Keeping The Promise to infants in Scotland
- Safeguarding children with disabilities in residential care: CASPAR briefing
- Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) final report: summary and government response
- Independent review into children’s social care in Northern Ireland: Summary CASPAR briefing
- The impact of coercive control on child and young people: Helplines insight briefing
- Child safeguarding and immersive technologies
- Listening to children and young people’s experiences of disclosing child sexual abuse: insights for the proposed mandatory reporting duty in England and Wales.
- Together for Childhood: The Art of Storytelling
- Summary of Risk, response and review: multi-agency safeguarding: CASPAR briefing
- Sharing the learning from our early years programmes at the NSPCC
- Online risks to children: evidence review
- How participation can improve outcomes in learning about healthy relationships and preventing peer-to-peer sexual harm
- Working together to safeguard children 2023: summary of changes
- How the GCP2 assessment tool for neglect supports families and practitioners to achieve change
- Children's experiences of legal but harmful content online: Helplines insight briefing
- How and why children seek help in non-face-to-face settings
- Child sexual exploitation by organised networks investigation report: CASPAR briefing
- Hearing stories of change: Together for Childhood evaluation
- Enhancing Childline’s counselling model: early implementation experiences: evidence briefing
- The national review into the murders of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson: CASPAR briefing
- Evaluating Look, Say, Sing, Play
- Childline referrals: what happens next for young people?
- Parent interventions to prevent child maltreatment
- Multi-agency safeguarding and domestic abuse: CASPAR briefing
- Children and young people’s views on learning about sex, sexuality and relationships: literature review
- Care Inspectorate’s triennial review of initial case reviews and significant case reviews in Scotland: CASPAR briefing
- The case for change: independent review of children’s social care in England: CASPAR briefing
- Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel annual report 2020: CASPAR briefing
- Childline message boards: a community online
- Delivering our local direct services to families during COVID-19
- Evaluating the NSPCC’s Speak out Stay safe programme
- The impact of domestic abuse on children and young people: insight from the voices of parents and carers: Helplines insight briefing
- Keeping Safe: cluster randomised trial (CRT) evaluation
- Teaching children and young people in special schools to recognise abusive behaviours
- Keeping Safe process evaluation: views and experiences of children, parents and schools
- Annual review of LCSPRs and rapid reviews: CASPAR briefing
- Summary of “The myth of invisible men”: safeguarding children under one from non-accidental injury caused by male carers: CASPAR briefing
- Ofsted’s review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges: CASPAR briefing
- Delivering Pregnancy in Mind virtually: an evaluation of the process
- Reviewing the NSPCC’s evaluations of its direct services
- Sharing the Science evaluation
- Summary of National guidance for child protection in Scotland 2021: CASPAR briefing
- The sustainability of organisations delivering NSPCC services
- Volunteering with vulnerable families
- Wales’ statutory guidance on child sexual exploitation: CASPAR briefing
- ‘Talk to Me’ tool: review of pilot simulations
- Social isolation risk of child abuse during and after coronavirus pandemic
- Pregnancy in Mind process evaluation
- Impact evaluation of the scale-up of Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together
- Challenges from the frontline - revisited
- Implementation evaluation of InCtrl
- Still here for children: experiences of NSPCC staff who supported children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Learning from adapting the Baby Steps programme in response to COVID-19
- Falling short?
- Helping children recover from child sexual exploitation
- How do children’s helplines measure their effectiveness?
- Implementation evaluation of Together for Childhood
- Learning from inquiries and reports about safeguarding practice
Let children know you’re listening
- Safeguarding and child protection standards for the voluntary and community sector
- Supporting military families service evaluation
- 10 years since the Byron Review
- Community approach to preventing child sexual abuse in the home
- From bumps to babies: perinatal mental health care in Wales
- Implementation evaluation of Graded Care Profile 2
- Implementation evaluation of the Reunification Practice Framework
- Is this sexual abuse?
- 'Letting the future in' for children with learning disabilities
- Time for action on perinatal mental health care in Northern Ireland
- Understanding children’s and teachers’ views of Speak out Stay safe
- Key provisions introduced in Working together to safeguard children 2018, and updates added in 2020: CASPAR briefing
- The profile of the children and young people accessing an NSPCC service for harmful sexual behaviour
- The economic cost of child maltreatment in the UK
- Children and young people who engage in technology-assisted harmful sexual behaviour
- Impact of online and offline child sexual abuse: "Everyone deserves to be happy and safe"
- Implementation evaluation of Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together (DART)
- Keeping our children safe
- Stop TIME Online
- Turn the Page final evaluation
- Evaluation of the Letting the Future In service
- Getting help: what children are telling Childline about the services they receive following sexual abuse
- A review of the research on children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviour online (HSB)
- Someone to lean on
- Telling about abuse
- Telling about bullying
- Reunification: an evidence-informed framework for return home practice
- Solution-focused practice toolkit
- Head spinal injuries children: Core info leaflet
- Neglect or emotional abuse in children aged 5-14: Core info leaflet
- Neglect or emotional abuse in teenagers: Core info leaflet
- Bruises on children
- Child abuse and neglect in the UK today
- Emotional neglect and emotional abuse in pre-school children
- Fractures in children
- Thermal injuries on children
- Child protection records retention and storage guidance
- Definitions and signs of child abuse
- Issues to consider when looking at child abuse statistics
Preventing abuse in positions of trust
- Recommended adult child ratios working with children
Research with children: ethics, safety and promoting inclusion
- Multi-agency working and information sharing: expert insights
- The voice of the child: expert insights
- Handle with care guide
- Home or out alone guide
- Look, Say, Sing, Play early years resources to use and share with parents
- Parents' leaflets
- Positive parenting guide
- Worried about a child? guide
- Assessments: learning from case reviews
- Child mental health: learning from case reviews
- Child sexual abuse: learning from case reviews
- Child sexual exploitation: learning from case reviews
- Culture and faith: learning from case reviews
- d/Deaf children and children who have disabilities: learning from case reviews
- Disguised compliance: learning from case reviews
- Domestic abuse: learning from case reviews
- Early years sector: learning from case reviews briefing
- Education: learning from case reviews
- First generation immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees: learning from case reviews
- People whose first language is not English: learning from case reviews
- GPs and primary healthcare teams: learning from case reviews
- Harmful sexual behaviour: learning from case reviews
- Health: learning from case reviews
- Housing services: learning from case reviews
- Infants: learning from case reviews
- Neglect: learning from case reviews
- Online harm and abuse: learning from case reviews
- Paediatrics and accident & emergency: learning from case reviews
- Parents with substance use problems: learning from case reviews
- Parents with a mental health problem: learning from case reviews
- Perinatal healthcare teams: learning from case reviews
- Police: learning from case reviews
- Returning children home from care: learning from case reviews
- Suicide: learning from case reviews
- Teenagers: learning from case reviews
- Unseen men: learning from case reviews
- The voice of the child: learning from case reviews
- Voluntary agencies: learning from case reviews
- Young parents: learning from case reviews
- Assessments: practice points
- Voice of the child: practice points
- Multi-agency working and information sharing: practice points
It's Not OK
- Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) 2024: summary of proposed changes
Love Life resources
- PANTS resources for schools and teachers
- Resources on harmful sexual behaviour in schools
- Safeguarding considerations for changing rooms
- Dropping off and picking up before and after school: safeguarding policies and procedures
Safeguarding legislation for schools and colleges
- Share Aware resources for schools and teachers
- Stop Speak Support school pack
- Relationships, health and sex education resources
It's Not Love: teaching resources about positive relationships
- Statistics about child deaths from abuse or neglect
- Childline and NSPCC Helpline statistics
- Neglect: statistics briefing
- Statistics on child sexual abuse
- The impact of coronavirus (COVID-19): statistics briefing
- Emotional abuse: statistics briefing
- Statistics about harmful sexual behaviour
- Statistics about children in care
- Online harm and abuse: statistics briefing
- Statistics on physical abuse
- Example anti-bullying policy statement
Behaviour management and codes of conduct
- Example consent form
- Example safeguarding policy statement
- Example online safety policy statement and agreement
Nominated child protection lead or designated safeguarding officer
- Example self-disclosure forms
- About NSPCC research
- CASPAR briefings
Childline annual review
- Childline and NSPCC Helpline insight briefings
- Childline posters
- Child protection plan and register statistics
- Early years resources
- NSPCC Helpline posters
How safe are our children? report
- Mental health resources
- Navigating puberty booklet
- Online safety resources
- Parental mental health resources
NSPCC Learning Podcast
- Practice points landing page
- Supporting young people to take down nudes shared online
- Children's services spending reports
Training in safeguarding and child protection
- Anti-racism training course
- Child protection in sport and physical activity training
- Training for child protection trainers
- Child protection training for school governors and academy trustees
- Safeguarding training for schools, academies and colleges
- Child protection supervision skills training
- Child protection supervision skills refresher training
- Child protection training for tutors
- Designated child protection lead in Scotland training
- Designated safeguarding officer in Northern Ireland (NI) training
- Designated safeguarding lead for schools and colleges training
- Designated safeguarding lead for sport and leisure training
- Designated safeguarding officer training
- Designated safeguarding person in Wales training
- Harmful sexual behaviour in schools training
- Introduction to safeguarding and child protection training
- Learning from case reviews training
- Managing allegations of abuse training
- Online safety training
- Preventing non-accidental head injury training
- Protecting children in entertainment training for chaperones
- Safeguarding awareness training for workers who enter people's home
- Charity trustee safeguarding training
- Safeguarding for SEND training
- Level 4 safeguarding training for named health professionals
- Safeguarding training for bus and taxi drivers
- Safeguarding young people and young adults training course: Keeping 16-25 year olds safe from abuse
- Safer sports events
- Safer recruitment training
- Safer recruitment in education training
- Managing incidents of sharing nudes and semi-nudes
- Safeguarding for management board members in sport and leisure training
- Strategic safeguarding in education training
- Talk Relationships: delivering sex and relationships education training courses
- Trauma and child brain development training
- Understanding child sexual abuse
- Child protection training packages for schools
- Safeguarding and child protection in sport training package
- Safeguarding training package for voluntary groups
- Introductory basic courses
- Advanced and specialist training courses
- Schools and education safeguarding and child protection training courses
- Designated, named and lead officer safeguarding training courses
- Health sector training courses
- Training for early years settings
- NSPCC live virtual training courses
- NSPCC Learning: elearning courses
- Why choose training with NSPCC Learning
- Safeguarding training levels
- Mandatory safeguarding and child protection training
- Child protection and safeguarding training courses in England
- Child protection training and consultancy in Northern Ireland
- Child protection training in Scotland
Child protection and safeguarding training in Wales
- Building Connections: helping young people tackle loneliness
- Childline
- Child protection consultancy
- Consultancy for schools and colleges
Library and information service
Local campaigns to support communities
- NSPCC Helpline
Speak out Stay safe programme
- Talk Relationships: delivering sex and relationships education
- Services for children and families
- Safeguarding self-assessment tool
- Newsletter
- Contact us
- NSPCC Learning quality assurance standards and principles
- Cancellation policies
- Cookies policy
- Terms of supply